
by Zelda Orpheus and Nate

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Seriously, trying to ignore and cover up your faults seems to just make your self-esteem into a ticking time bomb
for when you have to face the reflection in the mirror. To me, my thin lips, birds nest of a hair, mannish jaw,
and pronounced shoulders aren't something to be ashamed of, because they're the little details that make me.
Find beauty in imperfections, people

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Doodle Diaries is hosted by Keenspace, a free automated hosting service for webcomics..well it was called keenspace but now it's called Comicgenesis.
Though I guess it's also called stripspace too. But it's commonly refered to as comicgen.
I wish I had that many nicknames. All I got is Nate, which is my ACTUAL NAME. Zelda never told me we were supposed to give ourselves cool fake names.
Sad days...